Saturday, September 10, 2022

U.S Supreme Court

Ever since it was founded, the United States of America was always thinking of ways to be unique. At the time the Supreme Court was created, no one had ever seen such curious thing. On March 4th, 1789, the Constitution created the Judiciary Act which allowed this higher court to exist. With its purpose to interpret the meaning of law, how it should be applied, and establishing precedents on controversies. The words "Equal justice under law", are engraved at the top of the building to remind all of the responsibility they must uphold.

Its concept is "distinctly American in concept and function", according to Charles Evans Hughes. There aren't many courts on the planet that have the ability to interpret their own Constitution, and none have nearly as much influence. The seats on the court have varied over the years, ranging from the lowest five to the highest being ten. Each justice is appointed by President and confirmed by the Senate, and typically serves for the rest of their lives. They deal with court case's that demand for last ditch justice, in other words dealing with the cases that require a special perspective and review, in order to apply the law fairly.

Whatever decision this court makes has a long lasting impact on society, however ever year they hear less than an estimated two hundred and fifty cases. Across its lifespan it has been criticized by several, including presidents, for making questionable decisions. One of the biggest examples of this was Dred Scott v Standford 1857 in which they declared African Americans were not citizens of the United States. However, in cases like Brown v Board of Education in 1954, segregation of schools in the country was deemed unconstitutional, and thus abolished. These two cases epitomize the power and range of good or harm that the Court can do, which stands to show why the creation of such Court can completely change the dynamic of society. 
In my opinion, the court has evolved a lot from its first creation as far as the mentality of its members goes. They do not always make the correct decisions and are often criticized by the public, but being in the role of a Supreme Court justice means having the opportunity to amend past mistakes and abide lawfully by the Constitution. They have done this several times which must be commended, but it is also proof that as a nation America still has a long way to go until justice is distributed fairly and consistently.

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