Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Anti War

Throughout America's dramatic and short history, several promises have been broken. The country has always had allies that they could rely on in times of need, and has been in debt to most of them for the past few centuries. However, they have equally quarreled consistently with the nations that literally have nothing to do with them, putting several of the nations they are on good terms with in difficult positions. George Washington said in a famous quote: "It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world", in a farewell address to the citizens of the U.S. Because of the nations failure, ignorance, and especially greed, debates surrounding the anti war topic have arisen.

Citizens of the nation have typically been against the idea that we need to get involved abroad, however the U.S has always tried to give reasons as to why what they are doing is necessary. For example, one of the biggest motivations for fighting communism in the east was because they feared that a domino effect would take place if they allowed the nations they fought to keep that form of government. Although, there is plenty of evidence that also suggests that there is a high financial risk when getting involved and prolonging war struggles.

To be blunt, the evidence is clear. Since January of last year, the U.S has poured over 13.5 billion dollars into Ukraine worth of materials and weapons. But why? Surely the nation could use that money to support its own economy, repair faulty infrastructure, or even slowly pay off some of its debts? Questions like this have frustrated Americans for years, due to all of the struggles that the nation has endured over the past few years.

America has placed its troops in countries all over the middle east, and committed numerous war crimes that would never see the news. Syria, Iran, Palestine, Isreal, Lebanon, the list goes on. One of the biggest reasons why is oil. The Middle East produces a quarter of the worlds oil supplies, which today is a rather expensive, and sells for millions of dollars. Not only are the troops not supposed to be there legally, but they have terrorized and bombed places like Somalia and taken innocent lives for years. In my opinion, one of the biggest reasons why you can't find information like this on most websites, is to persevere the facade of our nation and protect the reputation of the people in power. Because if what was truly happening was brought to the fore, there would be an uproar of aggression that would be impossible to ignore.

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