Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Top Five Sources of News and Information

In the year 2022, it is fair to say that there are more than plenty of sources from which you can draw news from. Some more reliable than others of course, but nevertheless they are available. Throughout my life I have been exposed to several of them, and now at the age of twenty one, I have narrowed them down to the ones that for the most part I can trust the most.

1.) Twitter. This world famous social media app founded in 2006 is one of the giants of global communication, and has been for a good part of a decade. Because the app is notorious for having rather loose guidelines, most people on the app are unlikely to experience any sort of punishment from this private company. This means that journalist, politicians, freelancers, and anyone else can share their opinions through videos, tweets, or even links to other websites. It is a great way to follow news because the app brings awareness to things that happen globally, not just in a select few countries. You are able to follow debates, court decisions, other global news medias, and much more on this app, as well as spread your opinion on anyone of the aforementioned topics. 

2. Instagram. Instagram is an app designed to tell stories in the form of photos and videos, but it has evolved into a new purpose. Founded in the fall of 2010, a steep curve of progression can be found in its algorithm if analyzed closely across the course of decade. To keep it short and simple, the app has taken a few notes from its neighbor twitter and become a way to visually promote business, political campaigns, local news, and overall showcase events happening around the world. In some instances you will find posts that are just screenshots from other apps like twitter or Facebook, but you are still able to include captions that explain the story or intent behind the video or photo that you uploaded. I use the apps for updates on sports teams, celebrities, and discovering other news about anything that is trending. 

3. Youtube. Throughout my twenty year life, YouTube has been the social media app that I have used to the longest. It is best known for giving a platform to creators who intend to entertain and educate an audience, all while having a system of feedback which can be positive or negative depending on the subject or creator of the video. In the past few years I have used to app to listen to podcast on global and economic issues, hear opinions from people of all backgrounds and experiences, as well as listen to the latest news from streaming platforms and other services. Out of all the apps mentioned thus far, I believe that this one has the most substance, due to the fact that it has been functioning for the longest and allows for the most amount of creativity. Personally, I would love to share my story and works through Youtube some day.

4. CBS. Of all the mediums for news that I have mentioned this far, this is only one that is a televised program. Founded nearly a century ago in Chicago, this giant of news networks has brought me a lot of information since I started seriously viewing in the summer of 2020. Updates on mandates, news in foreign countries, and breaking information across the country. Special episodical shows like 60 minutes, Evening News, CBS Sunday Morning are quite popular pithing my family and where I am from. In a way, one could say I have adopted the habit of watching these from my environment, but I still do my best to keep a keen eye out and research the topics that they discuss in more depth.

5. NBC. Founded all the way back in 1940, NBC news has been talking about business, politics, and pop culture for as long as anyone can remember. For the most part I watch this program for its sporting networks which broadcast abroad, however when I was younger it's radio networks were played most often in commutes back and forth to school. Admittedly I do not watch it on television that much, but when I do I am typically informed on important information that is occurring up and down the east coast. I also think it does a decent job of hosting live events and spreading news about local drama.

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